Românca Andreea Căzăceanu a câștigat cel mai important concurs de fitness din lume dedicat amatorilor, desfășurat în Spania, la Alicante, informează Libertatea. Imaginile postate de ea pe Facebook au devenit virale în scurt timp.
În vârstă de 31 de ani, Andreea Căzăceanu e născută în Târgoviște, dar se antrenează în Dubai. „Nu am avut timp să vă spun ce s-a întâmplat weekend-ul trecut @mrolympiaamateur, practic am câștigat clasa mea la # olympiaamateurspain2018, am câștigat pro cardul și am ajuns în finala competiției profesioniste și m-am clasat locul 6! Nu pot fi mai fericit, încă mai am nevoie de ceva timp să mă obișnuiesc cu toate astea!”, a scris Andreea pe pagina ei de Instagram.
I haven”t had time to tell you what just happened last weekend @mrolympiaamateur , basically I won my class at the #olympiaamateurspain2018, i won my pro card, than made it into the finals in the pro competition and placed 6th! I cannot be happier, I still need some time to soak all this in! I will post more oficial pics when I have them! I have so many people I want to thank but I had no time to do it! What”s Up next I will endulge a bit of food while I go off-season, and give priorities to other things that I have postponed in a very long time while I prep for the next season😂 #livingtoinspire #motivation#npc#ifbbpro#ifbbproleague #olympiaamateur #gymfreak#girlswholift#fitnessaddict#procard#fitspo#bodybuilding#gymgirls#RHB#shesquatsbro#musclefit#gold#winners🆠#inspiration#glutesmotivation#muscledevelopment A post shared by Andreea Cazaceanu (@andy_ifbbpro) on Jun 15, 2018 at 7:38am PDT
I haven”t had time to tell you what just happened last weekend @mrolympiaamateur , basically I won my class at the #olympiaamateurspain2018, i won my pro card, than made it into the finals in the pro competition and placed 6th! I cannot be happier, I still need some time to soak all this in! I will post more oficial pics when I have them! I have so many people I want to thank but I had no time to do it! What”s Up next I will endulge a bit of food while I go off-season, and give priorities to other things that I have postponed in a very long time while I prep for the next season😂 #livingtoinspire #motivation#npc#ifbbpro#ifbbproleague #olympiaamateur #gymfreak#girlswholift#fitnessaddict#procard#fitspo#bodybuilding#gymgirls#RHB#shesquatsbro#musclefit#gold#winners🆠#inspiration#glutesmotivation#muscledevelopment
A post shared by Andreea Cazaceanu (@andy_ifbbpro) on
Jun 15, 2018 at 7:38am PDT
Foto Facebook Andreea Căzăceanu
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