Philippe Coutinho a fost protagonistul celui mai așteptat transfer în această iarnă. Brazilianul s-a despărțit de Liverpool după cinci sezoane petrecute pe Anfield, și a ajuns la Barcelona contra sumei de 160 de milioane de euro, fiind cel mai scump transfer din istoria clubului catalan.
La două zile după oficializarea transferului, Coutinho a postat pe Instagram un mesaj emoționant pentru clubul de pe Anfield „Sper că am oferit amintiri și momente frumoase, care i-au făcut fericiți pe fanii lui Liverpool. Am plecat de la Liverpool pentru că Barcelona este visul meu. Sper că suporterii o să înțeleagă că am ales o nouă experiență, nu are legătură cu diminuarea importanței lor și a clubului pentru mine” a fost mesajul mijlocașului brazilian.
„Nu pot să vă mulțumesc niciodată suficient de mult pentru tot ce ați făcut pentru mine în tot acest timp. Indiferent unde mă voi duce în lume, voi păstra Liverpool în suflet pentru restul vieții mele. Voi, clubul și orașul veți fi mereu o parte din mine. You”ll never walk alone. Philippe” a spus, în încheiere, fostul decar al cormoranilor.
Since the moment I arrived in Liverpool , me and my family have been made to feel so welcome and have made so many friends. On the pitch and off the pitch, we have experienced the beauty of this club and its fans. In turn, I hope I have delivered memories and moments that have brought happiness to the Liverpool supporters. Moving to Liverpool, I knew the club”s greatness and history but what I did learn during my time was the unique heart and soul of the place. It has its own personality and character. I leave Liverpool because Barcelona is a dream for me. Liverpool was a dream that I was fortunate enough to realise and I have given five years of my life to it. A career on the pitch only lasts for so long and to play for Barcelona as well as Liverpool is something I want to experience and enjoy while I am blessed enough to be able to do so. I hope the supporters understand that choosing to experience something new is not about diminishing their importance to me or the club”s importance. Nothing will ever diminish that in my heart. I wish Jürgen and the team nothing but joy and success for the rest of this season and beyond. This is an amazing team and they are getting better and better all the time. There are too many people I want to thank, but I cannot name everyone individually. To all the amazing club staff who have been part of my life in Liverpool – I will miss you. To the owners, whom have tried so hard to bring success, and to the football recruitment staff for showing faith in me to bring me here and rewarding me during that journey, and to my incredible teammates, past and present, who have helped me grow and improve as a player and a person, I would like to say thank you to you all. Anything I have achieved here would not have been possible without you. And finally, to the most important people of Liverpool – the Liverpool supporters. I can never thank you enough for what you have given me during this time and no matter where I go in the world, for the rest of my life, I will always cherish Liverpool in my heart. You, the club and the city will always be a part of me. You”ll Never Walk Alone. Philippe. A post shared by Philippe Coutinho (@phil.coutinho) on Jan 8, 2018 at 2:25pm PST
Since the moment I arrived in Liverpool , me and my family have been made to feel so welcome and have made so many friends. On the pitch and off the pitch, we have experienced the beauty of this club and its fans. In turn, I hope I have delivered memories and moments that have brought happiness to the Liverpool supporters. Moving to Liverpool, I knew the club”s greatness and history but what I did learn during my time was the unique heart and soul of the place. It has its own personality and character. I leave Liverpool because Barcelona is a dream for me. Liverpool was a dream that I was fortunate enough to realise and I have given five years of my life to it. A career on the pitch only lasts for so long and to play for Barcelona as well as Liverpool is something I want to experience and enjoy while I am blessed enough to be able to do so. I hope the supporters understand that choosing to experience something new is not about diminishing their importance to me or the club”s importance. Nothing will ever diminish that in my heart. I wish Jürgen and the team nothing but joy and success for the rest of this season and beyond. This is an amazing team and they are getting better and better all the time. There are too many people I want to thank, but I cannot name everyone individually. To all the amazing club staff who have been part of my life in Liverpool – I will miss you. To the owners, whom have tried so hard to bring success, and to the football recruitment staff for showing faith in me to bring me here and rewarding me during that journey, and to my incredible teammates, past and present, who have helped me grow and improve as a player and a person, I would like to say thank you to you all. Anything I have achieved here would not have been possible without you. And finally, to the most important people of Liverpool – the Liverpool supporters. I can never thank you enough for what you have given me during this time and no matter where I go in the world, for the rest of my life, I will always cherish Liverpool in my heart. You, the club and the city will always be a part of me. You”ll Never Walk Alone. Philippe.
A post shared by Philippe Coutinho (@phil.coutinho) on
Jan 8, 2018 at 2:25pm PST
În cele cinci sezoane petrecute pe Anfield, Coutinho a strâns 201 meciuri, în care a marcat de 54 de ori și a reușit 46 de assist-uri. În cariera sa, brazilianul a mai evoluat pentru Vasco Da Gama, Inter Milano și Espanyol Barcelona.
Articol scris de Daniel Anghel
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