Era minutul 30 al partidei din runda a treia a grupelor din Europa League, Tottenham – Asteras Tripolis, atunci când o execuție tehnică a făcut ca stadionul să explodeze. Erik Lamela a avut instictul, prezența de spirit, capacitatea fotbalistică, să inventeze pur și simplu o rabona perfectă și a trimis mingea în poarta grecilor de la marginea careului. Golul de 2-0 al lui Spurs a stârnit reacții și pe Twitter, chiar Michael Owen exclamând „Golul lui Lamela a fost scandalos!”.
Iată reușita argentinianului și câteva dintre reacțiile de pe Twitter
My word. That Lamela goal was outrageous!!! — michael owen (@themichaelowen) October 23, 2014
My word. That Lamela goal was outrageous!!!
— michael owen (@themichaelowen) October 23, 2014
That Lamela goal just gets better every time you watch it, unbelievable. — Danny (@DanMagic_) October 23, 2014
That Lamela goal just gets better every time you watch it, unbelievable.
— Danny (@DanMagic_) October 23, 2014
Think if I tried that I’d snap my Achilles. Great goal from Lamela. Hope this is turning point in his Spurs career — Ed Malyon (@eaamalyon) October 23, 2014
Think if I tried that I’d snap my Achilles. Great goal from Lamela. Hope this is turning point in his Spurs career
— Ed Malyon (@eaamalyon) October 23, 2014
I’ve stopped watching the game and I’m just rewatching Vines of that Lamela goal. How did he even have time to think to do that? Instinct. — Raj Bains (@BainsXIII) October 23, 2014
I’ve stopped watching the game and I’m just rewatching Vines of that Lamela goal. How did he even have time to think to do that? Instinct.
— Raj Bains (@BainsXIII) October 23, 2014
A better view of THAT Lamela goal. So, so good! — The SPORT Bible (@TSBible) October 23, 2014
A better view of THAT Lamela goal. So, so good!
— The SPORT Bible (@TSBible) October 23, 2014
Chiricheș a început meciul Tottenham – Asteras Tripolis doar pe banca de rezerve, iar Dorin Goian, accidentat, nu a fost nici măcar în lotul grecilor.
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