17.06.2024, xsltx, Fussball EM 2024, Rumänien - Ukraine emspor, v.l. Team von Rumänien vor dem Spiel DFL/DFB REGULATIONS PROHIBIT ANY USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS as IMAGE SEQUENCES and/or QUASI-VIDEO München *** 17 06 2024, xsltx, Football EM 2024, Romania Ukraine emspor, v l Team of Romania before the match DFL DFB REGULATIONS PROHIBIT ANY USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS as IMAGE SEQUENCES and or QUASI VIDEO Munich,Image: 882421158, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Credit images as "Profimedia/ IMAGO", Model Release: no
Alertă de atacuri teroriste ISIS în oraşul plin cu zeci de mii de fani ai naționalei lui Iordănescu! Agenții din România au participat la prinderea suspecților