Manchester City - Inter, Live Video Online, de la ora 22:00, in finala UEFA Champions League
UEFA Champions League Trophy has arrived Istanbul UEFA Champions League Trophy has arrived Istanbul, Turkey. A special event for the guests is organised at Besiktas Vodafone Park Stadium in Istanbul. The 2022/23 UEFA Champions League final between Manchester City and Inter will take place at Istanbul s Ataturk Olympic Stadium on Saturday 10 June 2023 . Photo by Tolga Adanali/Depo Photos/ABACAPRESS.COM Istanbul Turkey PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxFRAxSPAxUKxUSAxBELxPOL Copyright: xDepoxPhotos/ABACAx 856002_003 DepoxPhotos/ABACAx 856002_003
Așa arată urnele pentru tragerea la sorți a grupelor Ligii Campionilor în sezonul 2023-2024. Ce adversari ireali ar putea avea Gică Hagi și Farul dacă vor trece de tururile preliminare