Ce sumă primește David Popovici pentru cele două titluri de campion mondial
Foto Gian Mattia D Alberto - LaPresse 22-06-2022 Budapest nuoto 19mi Campionati del mondo FINA Budapest 2022 nella foto: David Popovici ROM, oro 100 fs Ph Gian Mattia D Alberto - LaPresse 2022-06-2 Budapest Sport swimming 19th FINA World Championships Budapest 2022 in the photo: David Popovici ROM, 100 fs gold PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxITAxFRAxCHN Copyright: xGianxMattiaxD Albertox-xLaPressex
Romania's David Popovici competes in the men's 100m freestyle semifinals during the Budapest 2022 World Aquatics Championships at Duna Arena in Budapest on June 21, 2022.,Image: 701605252, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
Romania's David Popovici reacts after taking gold in the men's 200m freestyle finals during the Budapest 2022 World Aquatics Championships at Duna Arena in Budapest on June 20, 2022.,Image: 701324415, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
David Popovici activeză în acest moment la clubul Dinamo, după ce a fost pierdut de cei de la Steaua
Romania's David Popovici reacts after taking gold in the men's 200m freestyle finals during the Budapest 2022 World Aquatics Championships at Duna Arena in Budapest on June 20, 2022.,Image: 701324422, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
CTP, discurs manifest! „Nu mă simt mândru pentru că David Popovici a obținut două medalii la Mondiale”. Cum comentează despre milionul de lei oferit din Fondul de rezervă campionului