Banel Nicolita, contract nemaivazut in Liga 4 din Romania! I-au pus o prima uriasa de promovare, dar numai lui: fotbalistul rade cand explica motivul pentru care i-a fost oferita suma respectiva
Pentru ce i-a dat Gigi Becali un plic cu 120.000 de euro lui Banel Nicolita!
George Becali, the owner of the Romanian soccer team FCSB, announces that this is the last press conference he will ever hold, that he is retiring from football and wants to sell the team, unhappy with the way was refereed his team's last match and about the way the Romanian Football Federation manages Romanian football, saying "I can not fight with all the tyranny in Romania, I can not fight, especially as they have the state powers, which are, I fought I did jail, I give glory to the Lord that I did only so much that I did not realize what I got myself into, I went into the fire as a fool, of' goodbye, I withdrew, I no longer have business with them" during a press conference held in his palace in Bucharest.
George Becali to Sell FCSB Soccer Team, Bucharest, Romania - 24 Apr 2023,Image: 771643447, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
FCSB este tot mai aproape să se numească Steaua. George Becali, FCSB soccer team owner, press conference, Bucharest, Romania - 24 Jul 2023,Image: 791687751, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Banel Nicolita, lovit teribil de divort si de problemele cu banii. Falimentul sentimental si financiar l-au doborat: „Am ramas singur cand aveam nevoie de cineva”
Cum va pierde Gigi Becali 5 milioane de euro dintr-o gafă pe care un afacerist ca el nu avea voie să o facă! A anticipat greșit și a acceptat o clauză păguboasă: „Face 10 milioane de euro”