Gare Montparnasse is crowded as many TGV high-speed trains were cancelled in Paris on July 26, 2024. From the night of the 25th to early morning of the 26th, a series of arson attacks on railroad equipment occurred at several points on the TGV line on the French Atlantic coast, French media learned. Restoration is expected to take several days, and the TGV network has been disrupted since the 26th, with many trains cancelations.,Image: 892569107, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required.
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Cutremur înainte de Jocurile Olimpice: liniile TGV sunt grav afectate după un „atac masiv” împotriva căilor ferate franceze! Peste 800.000 de călători sunt direct afectați: „Au vrut să paralizeze rețeaua”