Novak Djokovic (SRB) during his semi final final round match of at the 2023 Wimbledon Championships at the AELTC in London, UK, on July 14, 2023.,Image: 789149898, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no
Wimbledon 2023, începe luni, 3 iulie. Favoritul Novak Djokovic, pe urmele lui Federer. Premii uriașe la turneul londonez
Novak Djokovic și restul lumii, câștigurile din tenis ale campionului
August 20, 2023, Mason, Ohio, USA: Novak Djokovic (SRB) rips off his shirt in celebration of winning the championship match at Sunday's final round of the Western and Southern Open at the Lindner Family Tennis Center, Mason, Oh.,Image: 798884804, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: This content is intended for editorial use only. For other uses, additional clearances may be required.
Please contact your sales representative with questions., Model Release: no, Pictured: Novak Djokovic
Daniil Medvedev și Novak Djokovic joacă finala la US Open 2023! Când se dispută marele meci, unde se vede la tv partida și ce record a mai doborât „Nole”