30.04.2024, xemx, Fussball UEFA Champions League, FC Bayern Muenchen - Real Madrid emspor, v.l. Cheftrainer Carlo Ancelotti Real Madrid gibt Anweisungen, gestikuliert mit den Armen, gesticulate, gives instructions DFL/DFB REGULATIONS PROHIBIT ANY USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS as IMAGE SEQUENCES and/or QUASI-VIDEO Muenchen *** 30 04 2024, xemx, football UEFA Champions League, FC Bayern Muenchen Real Madrid emspor, v l head coach Carlo Ancelotti Real Madrid gives instructions, gesticulates with arms, gesticulate, gives instructions DFL DFB REGULATIONS PROHIBIT ANY USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS as IMAGE SEQUENCES and or QUASI VIDEO Muenchen,Image: 869236349, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: Credit images as "Profimedia/ IMAGO", Model Release: no
Imaginile fabuloase care vor rămâne în istorie pentru totdeauna: Carlo Ancelotti a traversat tot terenul de pe Wembley, după finala Champions League, Borussia Dortmund – Real Madrid 0-2, pentru a-și săruta cu foc soția!