Lewis Hamilton, marele campion F1, a dezvăluit că a fost victima rasismului, în contextul în care cazul lui George Floyd, afro-americanul ucis cu brutalitate de polițiștii americani, a șocat întreaga lume.
Protestele din Statele Unite ale Americii, după moartea lui george Floyd, s-au extins și-n Europa, iar Hamilton a fost unul dintre participanți.
„Mi-am adus aminte de multe amintiri dureroase din copilărie. Sunt amintiri vii ale provocărilor pe care le-am întâlnit când eram doar un copil și sunt sigur că mulți dintre voi ați îndurat rasismul sau vreun fel de discriminare. Am vorbit foarte puțin despre experiențele mele personale pentru că am fost învățat să țin pentru mine. «Nu arăta slăbiciune, omoar-o cu iubire și învinge-o pe pistă!».
Dar, când nu eram pe pistă, eram hărțuit, bătut și singura modalitate în care mă puteam lupta cu asta a fost să învăț să mă apăr, așa că m-am apucat de karate. Efectele psihologice negative nu pot fi măsurate. Din acest motiv eu pilotez în felul în care o fac. E mult mai profund decât să fac un sport. Eu încă lupt. Îi mulțumesc lui Dumnezeu că l-am avut pe tatăl meu, o persoană puternică de culoare pe care puteam să o admir, despre care știam că putea să înțeleagă și să fie lângă mine indiferent de situație”, a postat Lewis Hamilton pe rețelele de socializare.
View this post on Instagram I’ve been reading every day to try to stay on top of everything that’s been happening in our fight against racism, and it’s brought back so many painful memories from my childhood. Vivid memories of the challenges I faced when I was a kid, as I’m sure many of you who have experienced racism or some sort of discrimination have faced. I have spoken so little about my personal experiences because I was taught to keep it in, don’t show weakness, kill them with love and beat them on the track. But when it was away from the track, I was bullied, beaten and the only way I could fight this was to learn to defend myself, so I went to karate. The negative psychological effects cannot be measured. This is why I drive the way I do, it is far deeper than just doing a sport, I’m still fighting. Thank God I had my father, a strong black figure who I could look up to, that I knew understood and would stand by my side no matter what. Not all of us have that but we need to stand together with those who may not have that hero to lean on and protect them. We must unite! I have wondered why 2020 seemed so doomed from the start but I’m starting to believe that 2020 may just be the most important year of our lives, where we can finally start to change the systemic and social oppression of minorities. We just want to live, have the same chances at education, at life and not have to fear walking down the street, or going to school, or walking into a store whatever it may be. We deserve this as much as anyone. Equality is paramount to our future, we cannot stop fighting this fight✊?, I for one, will never give up! #blacklivesmatter #endracism #nevergiveup #wewinandwelosetogether A post shared by Lewis Hamilton (@lewishamilton) on Jun 5, 2020 at 2:18pm PDT
I’ve been reading every day to try to stay on top of everything that’s been happening in our fight against racism, and it’s brought back so many painful memories from my childhood. Vivid memories of the challenges I faced when I was a kid, as I’m sure many of you who have experienced racism or some sort of discrimination have faced. I have spoken so little about my personal experiences because I was taught to keep it in, don’t show weakness, kill them with love and beat them on the track. But when it was away from the track, I was bullied, beaten and the only way I could fight this was to learn to defend myself, so I went to karate. The negative psychological effects cannot be measured. This is why I drive the way I do, it is far deeper than just doing a sport, I’m still fighting. Thank God I had my father, a strong black figure who I could look up to, that I knew understood and would stand by my side no matter what. Not all of us have that but we need to stand together with those who may not have that hero to lean on and protect them. We must unite! I have wondered why 2020 seemed so doomed from the start but I’m starting to believe that 2020 may just be the most important year of our lives, where we can finally start to change the systemic and social oppression of minorities. We just want to live, have the same chances at education, at life and not have to fear walking down the street, or going to school, or walking into a store whatever it may be. We deserve this as much as anyone. Equality is paramount to our future, we cannot stop fighting this fight✊?, I for one, will never give up! #blacklivesmatter #endracism #nevergiveup #wewinandwelosetogether
A post shared by Lewis Hamilton (@lewishamilton) on Jun 5, 2020 at 2:18pm PDT
George Floyd, în vârstă de 46 de ani, a fost oprit de poliţişti la data de 25 mai şi interogat pentru că ar fi cumpărat ţigări cu bani falşi. O înregistrare video arată cum el a fost arestat şi, mai mult de opt minute, unul dintre ofiţeri a stat cu genunchiul pe gâtul lui, în timp ce Floyd repeta cu nu poate respira.
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